The *STARS* of our show:

Shawn & Kelly

* Larynn * Logan * Brooklyn *

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day (Pictures)

We began our day with dollar menu breakfast sandwiches for breakfast. That was the substitute for not being able to bonfire twice this weekend. The kids were really looking forward to it. Afterward, we dropped Logan and Larynn off at the parade line-up location (they tumbled through the parade with their Judy's Dance Studio team) and went off to park in our regular parade parking position. Logan did some really good cartwheels as he passed by. He was so proud of himself, as were we. He had no problem showing people what he could do. Larynn, on the other hand, was in one of her moods and really did nothing but march with a sourpuss look on her face. A bag of candy, and small rain shower later, we headed home.
     The kids wanted to play outside again and took advantage of the nice weather. We began the day in jeans and long sleeves, but by afternoon, we were back to our shorts and tees. I really wish Mother Nature would make up her mind, fall, summer, fall summer...ahh!
     Shawn spent the day doing yard work, you'd think we'd have the nicest yard in the subdivision with all the time he puts into it, but we don't. I dinked around in the house, sorting clothes, checking my eBay auctions, and I fixed the Wii! Come to find out, after some searching on the Internet, the storm must have caused the adapter to shut down or something, and it needed to be unplugged for 2 minutes and plugged back in. It worked, thank goodness.
     The kids had Pizza Rolls when they came back in from outside and played downstairs for a while until Garrett and McKayla went home. I then sent Logan and Larynn to clean their room, it was looking kind of sloppy. Meanwhile, Brooklyn helped herself to a red dry erase marker and drew on their (newly painted) bedroom wall. Of course, Larynn freaked out...she always does. I told her it was not a big deal, a wet rag would take it right off. Well, I was wrong. Looks like I will be going to get some more paint tomorrow. I love the two year old "artistic" phase!

Larynn marching directly below (center).

Logan cartwheeling (below; center)!

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