The *STARS* of our show:

Shawn & Kelly

* Larynn * Logan * Brooklyn *

Thursday, August 18, 2011

I'm baaaaack!

7 months...yes, I have not had time to write in 7 months. We have had birthdays, wrapped up a school year, enjoyed a summer and have gone through a job change in all that time. Now that things have slowed down a bit, maybe I can get caught up. Actually, that is so not true. Things haven't slown down. They are actually about to get worse with this relocation, but we are sure excited! Through it all I have managed to take a few notes in the past months to sum things up when I finally had a chance to sit down beyond this computer for something other than to feed my Facebook and eBay addictions. :)
So, here we go:

We of course celebrated, LOVE. Other than that, we had a very special birthday. Shawn turned the big 3-3 and got the gift of his "upgraded" GPS that does everything but drive your car. And, I made his favorite, Banana Cream Pie, so his birthday was nothing less than heavenly. We also welcomed a new addition to our family. Our sweet rescue dog, Haylee. She is two. She is definitely a Mommy's girl. Only fair I guess. Brookie claimed Daddy! I don't know why, but the dog claimed me. I trip over her constantly as she follows me everywhere.

Another birthday! Logan turned 8 and we celebrated his birthday at T-Rex Cafe in Kansas City. His favorite place. I really like it too. All the animatronic dinosaurs are fascinating. The food is great too, even though it is pretty pricey.

Yep, another birthday...Larynn celebrated her 11th by having a friend stay after a roller skating party. She is pretty easy to please. Next year I am going to take her horseback riding. She will be so thrilled. We hit a milestone in the Ditsch Household this month. Little miss Brookie B is fully potty trained at 2 1/2 years old! She is a very smart girl (well, obviously) so she picks up on things quickly. Thank goodness. NO MORE DIAPERS....EVER...(Sorry mom...Sonya will have to take over the baby making from here on out!)

May was very special for us. Shawn and I celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary. Man, time sure flies when you're having fun. I love that man. Marrying him was the best decision I ever made...finally got one thing right, at least. Yes, we went out and while we were out we decided that we are too old for going out, lol. We stuffed our bellies and were ready for bed. No, we didn't go home. We managed to follow through with the date as planned but next year we will plan something more "hotel" related and just enjoy one another rather than run around the town.

Wrapped up the school year! We now have a 2nd grader and Larynn starts Junior High. Oh. My. Lord. Not long ago, I was in Junior High. I remember my first day. I can't believe my daughter is about to experience hers. Makes me sad and happy, all at the same time. Shawn also interviewed for a new position out of state (farewell to Illinois, we will leave you WITH BELLS ON) and his chances of an offer are excellent. We have our fingers crossed. We LOVE our house and will miss it dearly, but we are pretty confident that we will find one there that we will love just as much. We refuse to "settle."

Shawn got the job! We have listed our home for sale and we are out of here! We will miss you, dear friends :(

Another birthday. Yes, yours truly! I turned 32 this year! I am loving the 30's. I always said they would be the best years of my life. So far, it is going pretty good. This month I also became a MICHE bag Commissions birthday present was a $499 starter kit. I am having so much fun with it thus far. They sell themselves so there isn't much work involved. I love being able to get out of the house (dressed up!) and meet new friends while catching up with old. It also gives Shawn a chance to play with the kids and get some of their attention. They enjoy reading and building dinosaurs downstairs. He has gotten pretty good at painting finger and toe nails :) Brookie loves it when daddy paints her nails, followed with a princess dance party. Yes, we do a lot of living room dancing! We sure love to laugh.

I was offered a job as a real estate listings proof reader after expressing my concern to an agent about her spelling during our new home search. I accepted. Kelly Ditsch Designs has also taken on another wedding floral job for an event in November. Better get a crackin' on those.

Shawn started his new job August 1st after a fabulous farewell bash with the Galesburg shop crew. We had a great time. Thank you Jason Greenwood. You have finally redeemed yourself from the nasty beer incident. You will be missed.

School has finally begun...I am enjoying the peace and quiet so far. Of course, that normally only occurs when Brookie B is asleep. There isn't much of either with that little, energetic, motor mouth around. :) She sure does put the "spice" in life.

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